Absinthe Extras
Posted by Jonathan
on 06/14/08
on 06/14/08

- gummi bears - now this we would like to try! Unfortunately, these sweet little absinthe gummi bears seem to be only available at the source, which is a restaurant called Tailor in New York City. Anyone want to swing by 525 Broome St and get us a few will have us forever in their debt!
- lollipops - we have written about these beforeand we just wanted to add that they are, in fact, as delicious as they sound. Worth the splurge.
- lip balm - the description is filled with the annoying marketspeak that tries to sell up absinthe's checkered past - "magickal"(sic), "aphrodisia", "disturbing", etc. So we hate to even point this out, but in the interest of completeness, we'll add it to this list.

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