A US-made Absinthe?
Posted by Jonathan
on 12/07/07
on 12/07/07
Sure looks like an honest-to-goodness, commercial, US-made absinthe is coming to a shelf near you. Well, 'near you' if you happen to live in the Alameda California area, anyway, as the absinthe from St. George Spirits (better known as the distiller of Hanger One vodka) is going to be produced in small batches, uninteresting to the major distributors.
This is a very nice story on the distillation of the product. The writer even interviews Barnaby Conrad, the author of one of the better absinthe books, "History in a Bottle". There's the usual discussion of absinthe's checkered past, albeit in a very objective fashion. It also mentions the bizarre restrictions on the label:
Alameda distiller helps make absinthe legitimate again
This is a very nice story on the distillation of the product. The writer even interviews Barnaby Conrad, the author of one of the better absinthe books, "History in a Bottle". There's the usual discussion of absinthe's checkered past, albeit in a very objective fashion. It also mentions the bizarre restrictions on the label:
the word absinthe on the bottle's label had to be small and used with a qualifier like St. George's Verte or Kubler's Swiss Absinthe Superieure.
Alameda distiller helps make absinthe legitimate again

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