News from the Lion
Posted by Jonathan
on 03/06/07
on 03/06/07

Markus, from AbsintheVertrieb ("The Lion Place"), posted some interesting news over at the Wormwood forums on the future of the Duplais line:
- The Duplais Series is terminated. There won't be any new products. We will continue producing all three sorts.
- The new series is going to be the consequent successor. I can tell you more in about 2 weeks.
- The label - oh, I can't tell you that at the moment, but it makes me smile each time I think about it. I can tell you more in about 2 weeks.
- The Prototype 31 Blanche (nearly gone), is ment to be a kind of educational thing. It shows what aging does and side by side with the (soon to come) Prototype 31 Verte, what colouring does. It's primarily not done for the colour, but to completely change the overall character of the Blanche. However the coloring has to fit to the herbal mixture of the Blanche.
- The nutty taste a few of you described may originate from the Marc de Dole we were using. We have to wait and see, how this developes and maybe lessen it a bit.
- The samples of the Verte I sent very few of you, are from our very first 'experiment' - we changed this and that already.
- The final product will be aged a bit. We're actually distilling it this week and going to offer it in about 6 weeks. It will be much more complex - or demanding as the Duplais Verte. Maybe not so much everybody's darling, more something for connoisseurs. Hope you like it!
And yes, I'm sure we'll like it!

Thanks for the heads up! In the Wormwood forum, I am, not surprisingly, "InAbsinthia":-)
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Digging the blog! Curious who you are in the forums...:) Cheers! p.s.-- typo in the link.