Company Quiz
Posted by Jonathan
on 06/19/06
on 06/19/06
An interesting quiz can be found in this week's Motley Fool column. Any absinthe fan should be able to make a pretty good guess at the answer:
I may be No. 2 in wine and spirits in North America, but I'm No. 1 in Europe, Asia and South America. I was formed when two French firms merged in 1975. My brands include Ballantine's, Chivas Regal, Kahlúa, Beefeater, Stolichnaya, Jameson, Martell, Glenlivet and Perrier-Jouët. I bought Seagram in 2001 and Allied Domecq in 2005 (selling off Allied's Dunkin' Donuts business). I sell 78 million cases of spirits and 23 million cases of wine each year, raking in more than 3.5 billion euros. I no longer make absinthe, but my famous Pastis, an anise-flavored liqueur, goes by my | THE MOTLEY FOOL
Who am I?

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