New Green Ambrosia
Posted by Jonathan
on 02/21/07
on 02/21/07

Well, we here at inAbsinthia are assuming the recently announced PF 1901 from Jade Liqueurs will, in fact, be pure ambrosia, just like its stablemates Edouard, Verte Suisse and Nouvelle-Orleans, as we have not had a chance to get a taste of it yet. PF 1901 is a "tribute" to one of the most famous absinthes, Pernod Fils. In fact, you can still find pre-ban bottles of it for purchase, at, of course, astronomical prices. At Combier Distillery, where absintheur Ted Breaux weaves his magic, there are rebuilt original Pernod Fils alembics. Breaux has tried to recreate the taste as well in this PF1901 label.
Jade Liqueurs PF 1901 absinthe
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