on 07/21/06

The 2006 The International Wine and Spirit Competition was held recently and in the highly competitive Absinthe category, five coveted awards were handed out. The only Gold Medal and the award for best in class went to the Swiss verte, Absinthe Duplais 72%. Four Silver Medals were handed out to:
- Doubs Premium Absinthe 55%
- Jade Edouard 72%
- Jade Nouvelle Orleans 68%
- Combier Blanchette 60%
We have tasted and enjoyed both Jade products and the Blanchette (actually, another Jade family member) here at InAbsinthia. Look for tasting notes on the Eduard coming soon. We are looking forward to trying out both the Duplais and the Doubs. Congratulations to all!
To see the awards on the IWSC web site, click the Awards link at the top, then click on the Spirits category. Here's what they have to say about the Duplais:
Unique, golden/green hue. Slow forming louche had sudden active spurt resulting in thick, almost solid, milk shake finish. Eventual colour was translucent , rich, golden green with amber highlights. The aromas after louche were slow to emerge but built with time into a complex herbal salad. Wormwood and fennel began to establish themselves on the nose with hints of spice lifting above the meld of herbs. Full textured, rich, creamy mouth with outstanding, refreshing taste with substantial fennel and wormwood flavours. Massive power, yet well controlled, long, everlasting finish. Magnificent product.
Also, see this page for more information on the award-winning absinthes:
Absinthe Classics - Medal Winners at the 2006 International Wine and Spirit Competition
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