A Little Orange With That?
Posted by Jonathan
on 03/18/10
on 03/18/10
Absinthe Curacao Cocktail, anyone? May we suggest a real curacao from Curacao, the wonderfully authentic Curacao of Curacao, which comes in a multitude of colors. It's the only blue curacao that is worth drinking, and well worth questing for. In this cocktail, you'll want to use the clear one, or, failing that, at least Cointreau. As spring approaches us here at In Absinthia, this cocktail will prove to be very refreshing.
Absinthe Curacao Cocktail
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- 2 tsp. orange juice
- 0.5 oz Cointreau
- 1 oz absinthe
Shake with ice, then strain into ice chip filled absinthe glass. Garnish with orange slice.

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