Creme-y Yvette
Posted by Jonathan
on 03/16/10
on 03/16/10

An interesting sounding cocktail we have come across from the Cocktation blog, this variation on the classic absinthe frappe sounds very interesting. And we haven't yet gotten our hands on a bottle of the newly resurrected Crème Yvette, although it was featured in the Sept/Oct 2009 issue of the indespensible Imbibe magazine (article here). But we will keep this in mind when we do get a bottle here at In Absinthia manor!
Creme Yvette Absinthe Frappe
- 2 oz. blanche absinthe
- 1 oz. Crème Yvette
- 4 oz. ice cold water
- ice
Shake and strain into 2 ice filled absinthe glasses.

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