In Absinthia Title
Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder. - Dowson
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Absinthe Cocktails Book
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American Amerique
Posted by Jonathan
on 03/15/10
Great Lakes Distillery Amerique

Great Lakes Distillery in Milwaukee, makers of the highly regarded Rehorst Gin, also make 2 absinthes, one green and one red. The Amerique 1912 (verte et rouge, naturellement) sound like they are an interesting first effort. Coming in small (375ml) bottles, carefully packaged in cardboard tubes, they also sound like a very nice absinthe for a newcomer to the hobby. Here's what the distillery has to say about their absinthes:

Amerique 1912 Absinthe Verte and Amerique 1912 Absinthe Rouge are authentic absinthes hand crafted in small batches in our copper potstill. Based on a pre-ban recipe they are made with anise, grande wormwood (Artemesia absinthium) and fennel as well as a proprietary blend of specially selected botanicals. After distillation more botanicals are infused in the absinthe giving it additional flavor and in the case of our Verte it's rich green color.

Wormwood Society Amerique Topic

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