on 03/21/10

on 03/20/10

A rather lukewarm defense of absinthe, desribing its arc as it went meteorically from illegal to faddish to "out". What, with comments like " I’m not a huge fan of the spirit by itself, or in the preparation of dripping water over the sugar cube", it's hardly something we like to read here at In Absinthia. But it is a nice synopsis of absinthe in the popular culture of now. He recommends it in cocktails, which we often eschew.
Of course, we do like absinthe's "bitter-licorice-anise-fennel flavor profile", even if, again, we don't find it a particularly accurate description. We think overlooked is the complexity of absinthe's taste and the wide, almost limitless, variety of mixtures, bringing the exploration of absinthe more in the realm of wine tastings than any other liquor. So in a way, we are looking forward to absinthe moving past the "fad" stage and just to where people can enjoy it without trying to look hip.

on 03/19/10
Very nice interview with Stéphane Ostiguy, of the Dieu Du Ciel! in Montreal. MojoTV talks with him about absinthe, and he pours some La Clandestine.
The Truth About Absinthe - Watch more Funny Videos
(Thanks to @spiritguy for the pointer)

on 03/18/10
Absinthe Curacao Cocktail, anyone? May we suggest a real curacao from Curacao, the wonderfully authentic Curacao of Curacao, which comes in a multitude of colors. It's the only blue curacao that is worth drinking, and well worth questing for. In this cocktail, you'll want to use the clear one, or, failing that, at least Cointreau. As spring approaches us here at In Absinthia, this cocktail will prove to be very refreshing.
Absinthe Curacao Cocktail
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- 2 tsp. orange juice
- 0.5 oz Cointreau
- 1 oz absinthe
Shake with ice, then strain into ice chip filled absinthe glass. Garnish with orange slice.

on 03/17/10
According to a DrinkUp NY tweet, there is going to be a free tasting of La Clandestine Absinthe tonight (March 17) from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at their world headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. Looks like La Clandestine's marketing manager and absinthe blogger Alan Moss is going to be there, to lead you in the tasting. We have interviewed Alan before and religiously read his absinthe blog, so we are sure the absinthe will be great, the conversation stimulating and the information clear. Now, if we could only make it to Brooklyn...

on 03/17/10

One of Pablo Picasso's most famous paintings, "Portrait of Angel Fernandez de Soto (The Absinthe Drinker)," will be offered up for auction by Christie's in June, with a starting bid of US$40-$60 million. It features de Soto sitting before his absinthe glass, and was painted by Picasso in 1903 during his "blue period". The painting is owned by Andrew Lloyd Weber and the proceeds will go to his charitable organization. The early guessing is that it will approach or even exceed the previous art auction top bid of $104.3 million for a Giacometti sculpture. Sure would look good hanging up in Chez InAbsinthia's massive art gallery. Maybe we should add a Donate button?

on 03/16/10

An interesting sounding cocktail we have come across from the Cocktation blog, this variation on the classic absinthe frappe sounds very interesting. And we haven't yet gotten our hands on a bottle of the newly resurrected Crème Yvette, although it was featured in the Sept/Oct 2009 issue of the indespensible Imbibe magazine (article here). But we will keep this in mind when we do get a bottle here at In Absinthia manor!
Creme Yvette Absinthe Frappe
- 2 oz. blanche absinthe
- 1 oz. Crème Yvette
- 4 oz. ice cold water
- ice
Shake and strain into 2 ice filled absinthe glasses.